Retirement(superannuation) as an event and a process is a complex, multidimensional transition involving many possible changes: loss of income, loss of work role, changes in daily activities, changes in social interactions, residential and geographical mobility, public identity, social interaction and so on. Further a retiree, on his receiving the retirement benefits such as provident fund, gratuity, etc. is forgotten by the organization to which he was attached during the service period. His bonds with the organization, colleagues were scrapped overnight even though he has still a lot to offer to the society. He feels totally cut off and grapples to adjust to the void created by cessation of linkages with the institutional colleagues and friends. In such an environment, some of the retired (but not tired) employees of ICAR formed the “Association of Retired ICAR Employees” (ARICARE) to provide a platform to continue the snapped linkages and foster the spirit of fraternity and fellowship among the retirees. The Association was registered under the Society Registration Act of West Bengal (Registration No.SO229668 of 2014-2015.) and started its journey in July 2014. ARICARE also recognizes that a wealth of knowledge and experience may be lost to the profession as a result of retirement from the active practice of its retiring members and aims to make our society realize that we have a lot to offer utilizing our long and rich experience. Apart from providing a forum to safeguard the general welfare including those of redressing the problems in relation to pension and other facilities extended to retired employees from time to time, it would foster communication and social activities/programs which may be enjoyed in retirement making retirement a memorable journey. We hope the vigorous, meaningful, productive activities undertaken by the Association will keep the members young, occupied and healthy in future. It may also pertinent to mention that ARICARE is the first of its type of association of ICAR employees in the eastern India.
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