Empanelled Hospitals
List of Empanelled Hospitals, ICAR- NINFET, Kolkata

SL No Name of Hospital/ Diagnostic Centre OPD/ IPD/ Facilities/ Diagnostic Tests Facilities Empaneled for Contact Person Circular No. & Date
1 Peerless Hospital, Hospital & Research Centre Ltd.
360 Panchasayar, Kolkata – 700094.
OPD cash basis & IPD cashless on CGHS rate Multi Speciality Hospital (Except Dental, Eye & Neuro) Mr. Abhijit Chakraborty Manager Marketing (9831274759) 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 13.06.2019
2 RG Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital
33, Gariahat Road (South), Kolkata - 700 031.
IPD on cashless & OPD on CGHS rate cash basis Super Specialty Hospital (Urology & Laparoscopy etc.) Mr. Jayanta Manna, Sr. Executive (8697977919); Mr. Ranjit Kumar, General Manager (9830560152) 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 13.06.2019
3 Institute of Child Health
11, Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata - 700 017.
Indoor on Cashless & Outdoor on Cash Payment Basis as per CGHS rate Super Specialty pediatric Hospital (Age not more than 17 years) Mr. D.P. Sarkar, Chief Operating Officer (9830897576/ 9903406351) 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 22.08.2019
4 B.M. Birla Heart Research Centre,
1/1, National Library Avenue, Alipore, Kolkata – 700 027.
IPD and OPD on cash payment basis as per CGHS rate Cardiology & Cardio thoracic surgery Mr. Sidhartha Nandy, Manager Growth & Development (8100905016); Mr. Satish Sharma Executive M:9831712719 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 22.08.2019
5 DESUN Hospital and Heart Institute,
720, Anandapur, Desun More, Kasba Golpark, E.M. Bypass, Kolkata – 700 107.
Indoor on Credit basis & Outdoor on Cash payment basis as per CGHS - NABH rate Super Specialty Hospital Mr. Sayan Talukdar, Sr. Manager (9674778244), Mr. Amit Chatterjee- 09147026813 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 06.12.2019
6 MEDICA Super Specialty Hospital
127, Mukundapur, E.M. Bypass, Kolkata – 700 099.
IPD & OPD on cash payment basis as per CGHS - NABH rate Super Specialty Hospital (except eye & dental) Md. Ismail Khan, Asstt. Manager - Corporate Relation (7044499829) 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 06.12.2019
7 Dr. Nihar Munshi Eye Foundation,
1/3, Dover Place, Ballygunge, Near Gariahat Pantaloons, Kolkata – 700 019.
IPD & OPD on credit basis as per CGHS rates Eye Hospital Mrs. Sumana Banerjee, Manager Operations (9830490344) 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 13.06.2019
8 Suraksha Diagnostic Private Limited
Infinity Benchmark, Salt Lake City, Sector - V, Kolkata - 700 091.
CGHS empaneled Diagnostic lab on Credit basis CGHS empaneled Diagnostic lab Mr. Rahul Nagsath,Corporate Manage (7595055046) 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 13.06.2019
9 B. P. Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Ltd.
71/1, Humayun Kabir Sarani, Block- G, New Alipore, Kolkata- 700 053
OPD Cash Basis and IPD Credit Basis as per CGHS Rate Multi-speciality Hospital (Except oncology, dental & physical medicine) Mr. Paranjit Sharma, Mobile: 8585035864/09804479733 ; Mr. Saikat Saha, Mobile: 9073381130 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 13.06.2019
10 Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals
58, Canal Circular Road, Kadapara, Phool Bagan, Kankurgachhi, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700054
OPD and IPD for regular employee on cashless basis as per CGHS NABH rates. Super speciality Hospital (Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic surgery, Orthopedic -Joint Replacement TKR, THR, Oncology, Onco surgery, PET CT & Nuclear Medicine Sh. Anirudha Mukherjee, Mobile: 9804000200; Sh Sourav Biswas, Mobile: 9804000244/ 8013953279 5(34)/ Adm.I/2019 dated 13.06.2019
11 AMRI Hospitals Ltd
P 4&5, C.I.T. Scheme,LXXII Block-A, Gariahat Road, Kol-29 (All Branches except Bhubaneswar)
OPD on cash payment basis & IPD on cashless basis (In-house doctor consultation on CGHS rate and Visiting Doctor consultation fees would be at hospital rate.) Multi-Speciality Hospital ( except outsourced investigations, Gastro & other procedures, Dental & IVF). Doctor consultancy fees will be Rs. 800/- but reimbursement will be as per CGHS rate list for consultation fee. Mr. Samir Ghosh. M: 9831225067, Mr. Amitava Bhowmick. M: 9903070440 5(34)/ADM.I/2019 Dated 13.06.2019
12 D.M. Hospitals Pvt. Ltd
113,James Long Sarani, Kolkata - 700 063
Both OPD and IPD on cashless basis as per CGHS-NABH rate Nephrology (IPD & OPD) including day care (Dialysis) Urology (only OPD consultation) CGHS rate Mr.Rajdeep Chowdhury- 09073252111, Mr.Surojit Parui- 07980909595
13 Ruby General Hospital
Kasba, Golpark, E.M. Bypass, Kolkata - 700 107
OPD & IPD on cashless basis as per CGHS rates. Multi-speciality Hospital (Except Dental & Eye) Mr. Souvik Roy (Sr. Manager-Marketing) M: 9748457200, Mr. Amitava Das (Asstt. Manager Marketing) M: 7980098211
14 Disha Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Ghoshpara Road, Kolkata – 700 120 (all other branches)
OPD & IPD on cashless Treatment of disease of Eye Mr. Jayanta Bhowmick- 09830013731, Mr. Tubai Deb- 07890014828
15 Susrut Eye Foundation & Research Centre
HB - 36/A/1, Sec. - III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 106
OPD Investigation on cash basis & IPD Cashless on CGHS rate Treatment of disease of Eye Mr. Gautam Kr. Ganguly- 09433060113

Empanelled Hospitals
List of Empanelled Hospitals, ICAR- CRIJAF, Kolkata

SL No Name of Hospital/ Diagnostic Centre OPD/ IPD/ Facilities/ Diagnostic Tests Facilities Empaneled for Contact Person Circular No. & Date
1 Narayana Multispecialty Hospital
78, Jessore Road (South), Barasat, 24 Parganas (North), Kolkata, West Bengal 700127
IPD- Credit Basis, OPD- Cash payment basis Multispeciality Hospital Mr. Pinaki Chandra, Head- Corporate Affairs, Mobile- 9831679171, Email: pinaki.chandra@narayanahealth.org; Mr. Bapi Kundu Assistant Manager- Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Mobile- 9051172500 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
2 AMRI Hospitals Limited
JC- 16 & 17, Salt lake City, KB Block, Sector III, Kolkata, West Bengal 700098
IPD treatment on credit basis Multispeciality Hospital Sri Samir Ghosh, GM Growth and Development, Mobile: 9831225067, Email: sghosh@amrihospitals.in; Sri Surajit Pal, Mobile: 7044094643, Email: s_pal1980@yahoo.in/ surajitiqct@gmail.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
3 Peerless Hospitex Hospital and Research Centre Ltd .
360, PanchaSayar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700094
OPD (doctors consultation as per Peerless Hospital Rate, 2017) and IPD (excluding dental, neuro and eye services) Multispeciality Hospital Sri Abhijit Chakroborty, Manager (Marketing), Email: abhijit@peerlesshospital.com, Cell- 9831274579 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
4 Nehru Memorial Techno Global Hospital
6, Barasat road, Lalkuthi, Barrackpore, West Bengal 700120
OPD & IPD treatment on cash basis Multispeciality Hospital Dr. S. Mazumdar, Corporate Section, Mobile: 7044307876, Email: mozumdarsusingdho@gmail.com/ nmtghospital@gmail.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
5 Disha Eye Hospitals
88 (63A), Ghoshpara Road, Kolkata-700120, West Bengal
OPD & IPD treatment on credit basis Treatment of Diseases of Eye Email: corporate@dishaeye.org, Corporate Phone No: 7890014828, Purbali Kar: 8017484094/ Ankan: 7890727121/ Suman Sarkar: 9434469112 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
6 B. P. Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Limited
71/1, Humayun Kabir Sarani, Block –G, New Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700053
OPD & IPD treatment on credit basis Multispeciality Hospital Mr. Palas Roy, Sr. AGM, Mobile:-9073944090; Sri Souptik Dey, Executive–Growth & Development, Mobile:9073381124, email:bpphmrl@bppoddarhospital.net 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
7 Hayat Hospital
Odalbakra, Lalganesh, Guwahati –781034
OPD- Cash Basis IPD -Cashless Multispeciality Hospital Mr. Sajal Kumar Sharma, General Manager(Marketing), Mobile:9854059815/ 9831957262, Email:hayathospital@gmail.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
8 Charnock Hospital
RGM- 2103, Tegharia Major Arterial Road, New Town, Kolkata, West Bengal 700157
OPD and IPD cashless Multispeciality Hospital Mr. Adrish Roy Chowdhury, AGM -Business Growth, Cell No: 9339297141; Mr. Koushik Mondal, Manager-PT Service, Cell No: 9674155450; Mr. Deep Das, Executive -Business Growth, Cell No. 7980206764/ 9804012314, Email: corporate.charnock@gmail.com; Mr. Prasenjit Kar, Jr. Executive- Corporate Growth, Cell: 8981760476/ 7685818883, Email: prasenjit1988kar@gmail.com/ mailrasharma@gmail.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
9 Currae Eye Care Hospital
1A, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700020
OPD and IPD cashless Multispeciality Hospital Mr. Srinivasan Subramaniam, Sr. Manager- Sales & Marketing, Cell No. 8777844659, Email: s.srinivasan@patnihealthcare.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
10 B.M. Birla Heart Research Centre
1/1, National Library Avenue, Kolkata- 700027
IPD cashless Cardiology and Cardio- thoracic surgery Mr. Siddhartha Nandy, Manager-Growth & Development, Cell No. 8100905016; Mr. Subir Adhikary, Assistant Manager-Growth and Development, Cell No.9007094870, Email: subir.adhikary@birlaheart.org 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
11 Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals
58, Canal Circular Road, Kolkata- 700054
OPD and IPD Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Orthopedic- Joint Replacement Surgeries (TKR, THR), Oncology- Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy, Onco Surgery (including OPD and IPD Consultation), and PET CT & Nuclear Medicine (including IPD and OPD Investigation) Mr. Sourav Biswas, Assistant Manager, Cell No. 8013953279/ 9804000244, Email ID: sourav_b@apollohospitals.com; Mr. Aniruddha Mukherjee, Cell No. 9804000200 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
12 Gouri Devi Hospital and Research Institute
Rajbandh, G T Road Durgapur -713212
Both IPD and OPD Multispeciality Hospital Dr. S. N. Imam, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Mobile: 8001003333/ 8001002222, Email- gdhri@rahul.ac.in, Corporate Section: 8348691693 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
13 Vivekananda Hospital
Dr. Zakir Hussain Avenue, Bidhannagar, Durgapur -713206
Both IPD and OPD Multispeciality Hospital Mr. Manas Chatterjee, Area Manager Mobile-8001616166, Email: manas.chatterji@gmail.com/ hospitalvivekananda@yahoo.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
14 IQ City Narayana Multispeciality Hospital
Sovapur, Bijra Road, Jemua, Durgapur -713206
Both IPD and OPD Multispecialty Hospital Mr. Sk. Phirose, Executive, Mobile: 8945524211, Email: marketing@iqct.in 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
15 Suraksha Diagnostic Private Limited
DD 18/1, Salt Lake City Sector 1, Kolkata -700064, Near City Center 1
Laboratory Services Laboratory Services Mr. Sandip Mukherjee, Manager- Corporate Business, Mobile: 9748778844/ 033-6605 9750, Email: corpsales@surakshanet.com; Mr. Rahul Nagrath, Executive- Corporate Business, Cell: 7595055046 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
16 S. Serum Analysis Centre Private Limited
82/4b, BidhanSarani, Kolkata, West Bengal 700004
Laboratory Services Laboratory Services Mr. Suvajit Mitra, Corporate Manager, Mobile: 9051879905, Email: serum.kol@gmail.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
17 RG Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital
33, Orbit Heights, Gariahat Rd S, Opp. Jodhpur Park, Kolkata, West Bengal 700031
Both IPD and OPD on credit basis Multispecialty Hospital Ms. Debarati Dutta, Executive- Corporate Marketing, Cell No. 8697977979, Email: debarati.dutta@rghospital.co.in/ debarati.dutta@rghospital.co.in 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
18 Institute of Child Health
11, Dr Biresh Guha Street Kolkata 700017, West Bengal
Both IPD and OPD on credit basis OPD and IPD treatments of children (age group 0- 18 years) of its personnel(borne on regular establishment) and children (age group 0- 18 years) of pensioners as per official records (for indoor facilities only). Mr. D.P. Sarkar, Chief Operating Officer, Cell No: 9830897576, Phone: (033)2290-5686, Email: ichcal@yahoo.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
19 Woodland Hospital
Dhankheti, Shillong, East Khasi Hills, District- Meghalaya 793003
IPD on credit basis Multispecialty Hospital woodlandhospital@yahoo.co.in/ woodlandhospital@hotmail.com 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018
20 ASG Eye Care (A unit of ASG hospital Pvt. Ltd.),
G. S. Road, Down Town, Guwahati, Assam- 781006
Both IPD and OPD on credit basis Treatment of Diseases of Eye Mr. Lohit Goswami, Nodal Officer, Mobile: 9101245315 51-31/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanelment/ 2014/ 6752-6801 dated 19.07.2018

Empanelled Hospitals
List of Empanelled Hospitals, ICAR- CIFRI, Kolkata

SL No Name of Hospital/ Diagnostic Centre OPD/ IPD/ Facilities/ Diagnostic Tests Facilities Empaneled for Contact Person Circular No. & Date
1 Suraksha Diagnostic Pvt. Ltd.
18/1, Salt Lake, Sector- 1, Kolkata- 700 064
OPD/IPD- Cashless for employees for self treatment (Credit basis), OPD/IPD- Payment to hospital at counter (no credit basis) for employees's dependents, pensioners and their dependents Diagnostic Services Mr. Rahul Nazareth, Manager- Corporate Business, Mobile: 7595055046, email: corpsales@surakshanet.com 25(1)/2019-Adm.II/482 dated 16.05.2019
2 Narayana Multispecialty Hospital
78, Jessore Road (South), Barasat, 24 PGS (North), Kolkata- 700 127
OPD/IPD- Cashless for employees for self treatment (Credit basis), OPD/IPD- Payment to hospital at counter (no credit basis) for employees's dependents, pensioners and their dependents Multispecialty Hospital Mr. Pinaki Chandra, Head- Corporate Affairs, Mobile: 9831679171, Email: pinakichandra@narayanahealth.org; Mr. Babi Kundu, Senior Executive- Marketing & Corporate Affairs, Mobile: 9051172500/03340363653, Email: bapikundu@narayanahealth.org 25(1)/2019-Adm.II/482 dated 16.05.2019
3 Currae Eye Care Hospital
AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700 020
OPD/IPD- Cashless for employees for self treatment (Credit basis), OPD/IPD- Payment to hospital at counter (no credit basis) for employees's dependents, pensioners and their dependents Treatment of Eye Related Diseases Mr. Srinivasan Subramaniam, S. Manager- Sales & Marketing, Mob: 8777844659, Email: s.srinivasan@patnihealthcare.com; Mr. Manash Mazumdar, Head- Sales & Marketing, Mobile: 9830843185/ 03366776677, Email: mansh.mazumdar@patnihealthcare.com 25(1)/2019-Adm.II/482 dated 16.05.2019
4 Peerless Hospital Hospital and Research Centre
360, Panchsayar, Kolkata- 700 094
OPD/IPD- Cashless for employees for self treatment (Credit basis), OPD/IPD- Payment to hospital at counter (no credit basis) for employees's dependents, pensioners and their dependents Multispecialty Hospital Ms. Tanusri Ali, Chief Manager (Marketing), Phone: 0334011122/ 24320075, Email: ph.enquiry@peerlesshospital.com/ corporate@peerlesshospital.com, Fax: 91(33)24620692 25(1)/2019-Adm.II/482 dated 16.05.2019
5 R. G. Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital
33, Gariahat Road (South), Kolkata- 700 031
OPD/IPD- Cashless for employees for self treatment (Credit basis), OPD/IPD- Payment to hospital at counter (no credit basis) for employees's dependents, pensioners and their dependents Multispecialty Hospital Ms. Debarati Dutta, Executive Corporate Marketing, Mobile: 8697977979, Email: deparati.dutta@rghospital.co.in; Mr. Ranjeet Kumar, SBU Head, Mobile: 9830560152/ 03340271000, Email: ranjeet.kumar@rghospital.com 25(1)/2019-Adm.II/482 dated 16.05.2019
6 Disha Eye Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.
Ghoshpara Road, Barrackpore, Kolkata- 700 120
OPD/IPD- Cashless for employees for self treatment (Credit basis), OPD/IPD- Payment to hospital at counter (no credit basis) for employees's dependents, pensioners and their dependents Treatment of Eye Related Diseases Mr. Debkumar Mukherjee, Mobile: 9874141270; Mr. Debashish Ghosh, Mobile: 7003193148 25(1)/2019-Adm.II/482 dated 16.05.2019

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